Mentorship in the Workplace



A mentorship program is a structured, often one-to-one relationship. Mentoring allows people to learn from one another, providing a path to skill and knowledge transfer. These programs benefit mentees (those receiving knowledge) and mentors (those providing knowledge, skills, etc.) and help the organizations by building an inclusive mentoring culture centered on learning, sharing new ideas, and creating a shared vision. A mentorship program can diminish isolation and exclusivity while increasing engagement, retention rates, and skill development.

In reviewing your submission, the following queries will be used:

  • Does your organization currently utilize a mentorship program?
  • How many employees participate in the mentorship program?
  • How are participants matched?
  • Do mentees have a say in the matching process by allowing them to select a particular mentor or by submitting their top three choices?
  • Is any training provided to the mentors?
  • How long does the program last?
  • Is feedback collected on the program?
  • How is feedback collected on the program and the experience of the mentor and mentee?