What Have Companies Accomplished in SEIA’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Certification Program This Year?


SEIA has published its second DEIJ Certification report, marking two years since the launch of the pioneering DEIJ Certification Program.


SEIA has published its second DEIJ Certification report, marking two years since the launch of the pioneering DEIJ Certification Program. This program offers valuable resources and guidance to companies, aiding them in assessing their DEIJ practices and implementing effective workplace solutions to enhance diversity. The report’s data spans from October 2022 to October 2023.

How are companies investing in DEIJ?

What certification levels have companies achieved this year?

How can I differentiate my company from competitors by prioritizing DEIJ?

Join us at 2pm ET to discover how you can initiate your involvement in the program and explore the various benefits it can offer!