Members-Only Update on Anticipated Department of Commerce Circumvention Decision


This exclusive webinar will give members an opportunity to hear from SEIA leadership and SEIA’s outside counsel on the anticipated Department of Commerce final determination in the anticircumvention case.


This exclusive webinar will give members an opportunity to hear from SEIA leadership and SEIA’s outside counsel on the anticipated Department of Commerce final determination in the anticircumvention case.

The final determination widely impacts the solar industry, and this event will give members an opportunity to hear the details about the final determination, learn about its implications for the U.S. solar market, and ask questions about how this decision could impact their businesses.


  • Abigail Ross Hopper, President and CEO, SEIA
  • Amir Yazi, Deputy General Counsel, SEIA
  • Matthew Nicely, Partner, Akin LLP